The Chausath Yogini Temple of Hirapur (64-Yogini Temple), also known as Mahamaya Temple, can be found 20 km from Bhubaneswar. This temple is dedicated to the worship of the Yoginis, auspicious goddesses-like figures.
The yogini obelisks depict female figures on a demon, an animal or a human head. It represents the victory of Shakti. The idols are able to express every emotion, such as sadness, joy or desire.
Even though they are rare, temples dedicated solely to yoginis can be seen at Ranipur -Jharial location of the Balangir District in Odisha.
According to local priests the legend behind this temple is that the Goddess Durga used 64 demigoddesses to defeat the demon. Durga requested that the temple be built to honor the 64 goddesses involved in the fight against the demon.
The Archaeological Survey of India maintains the temple complex.