Siruli Mahavir Temple is located about 33 kms to the north-east of Puri town along the route to Puri through Bhubaneswar.
It is an ancient temple that is dedicated to Lord Hanuman and is situated within Siruli Village, Odisha. Siruli Mahavir Temple is located 20 kilometers from the Puri Shri Jagannath Temple and 65.2 kilometers from Bhubaneswar. The most distinctive feature to the shrine is that Mahvir Hanuman will always look from his left eye towards the Neel Chakra in the middle of it. Puri Jagannath Temple.
Many believe that the Mahavir Hanuman murti was Swayambhu (which appears as a separate entity) the statue stands 10 feet tall and is facing to the west. Lord Hanuman holds a dagger in his left hand and gandhamardan mountain is in his right hand. The current temple, which is situated on 5 acres.
The legend of the deity is never old and always is popular among the locals. The eyes of the Lord Hanuman are pointing towards the Temple of Puri Jagannatha and the right eye is toward Lanka which is the place of birth for Ravana. The seven-cap serpent canopy, called Shiva Linga, sits on top of the head of the figure. The image of Lord Mahavir is Lord Rama and Goddess Sita in his broken heart.
The temple is located towards the south and is constructed using Laterite and Sand. Two enormous lions have been erected on the opposite sides that face the principal entrance gate. The walls that surround the main temple have figures that depict Hanumana, Ganesha, Mahishamardini, Durga, Siva Linga and a bull. The figures of the nine Planets (navagrahas) have been carved over the entrance to the east of the temple. There is an extremely old peepal tree just in the entrance to the temple.
People believe in the god of Mahavir/Hanuman. Devotees flock to the temple in great numbers every day , and during festive times. Festivals like Makar Sankranti, Rama Navami, Dola Purnima are observed in the temple with great enthusiasm and magnificence.This is the most beautiful and holistic place in Odisha.